Portfolio > drop out

empty coke cans arranged on the floor in a "peace and love" pattern
drop out no.4
around 5200 empty coke cans
4 3/4 x 137 x 252 inches (12.1 x 340 x 640 cm)

"drop out" developed out of my need for hope. Drink coke and experience peace, love and harmony. It doesn't deliver but I still want it to be true.

"drop out” was included in "Les présents relatifs" curated by François Dion & Pierre-Jean Sugier at the Centre d’Art Contemporain Rueil-Malmaison in France and Quartier Èphémère in Montreal, "The Occidental Occupants" curated by Luanne Martineau at the Art Gallery of Calgary AB, “Better World" curated by Jan Allen at the Agnes Etherington Art Centre in Kingston ON, a solo show curated at the Southern Alberta Art Gallery in Lethbridge AB and solo shows at Mercer Union in Toronto ON and La Centrale in Montreal (shown here).

photo: Paul Litherland
(courtesy of La Centrale/Galerie Powerhouse0