Portfolio > Cambridge Clothing Index: Closet Stories

Cambridge Clothing Index: Closet Stories
Cambridge Clothing Index: Closet Stories
Used clothing, wood, aluminum beams and expanded metal
336 x 84 x 18 inches (853.44 x 213.36 x 45.72 cm)

Cambridge Clothing Index: Closet Stories was commissioned through the Cambridge Gallery in Southern Ontario and exists as a permanent installation in the Clemens Mill Public Library. Working with various local groups, I solicited old clothes from people in the area. Library users, school groups and people in the neighbourhood donated items of clothing with corresponding stories. Thousands of clothes were carefully folded and arranged in 21 custom-built, maple cases (each 2 x 4 x 1 feet). The accompanying stories were uploaded to the library’s database and website for public access. The Cambridge Clothing Index holds such items as the former Fire Chief's jacket, high school basketball uniforms from the 1930's, diapers, the first version of a tie from a school uniform and prized clothing that a seamstress had made for her daughter four decades earlier.